"Underneath The Mango Tree" was written by Monty Norman for the first James Bond 007 film Dr. No starring Sean Connery
and Ursula Andress in 1962. It is famous for its use during the beach scene when Honey Rider (Ursula Andress) appears from out of
the water.
Bob Dylan's "Quinn The Eskimo" was adapted by Anne Jennifer Dudley as "The Mighty Quinn" to be used as an integral part of
the 1989 motion picture The Mighty Quinn starring Denzel Washington and Sheryl Lee Ralph. This arrangement is based on the
1989 movie version and incorporates each of the adapted elements of the song as they were used in the movie.
These are both cheerful tunes that are fun to play. These arrangements are written for a small ensemble steel band made up of Lead Pan,
Double Seconds, Cello Pan, Bass Pans, and Drum Set. Sets contain a score and sets of individual parts.
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